TITLE: Final Paper
MEDIA: Word Document
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Word
HARDWARE: Microsoft Windows 11
SPECIFICATIONS: 1700x2200px, 15 pages
CLASS: ART 357 Modern Art
PROFESSOR: Kaia Magnusen
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This is an excerpt from a fifteen-page paper that I wrote concerning the artists Berthe Morisot and Pierre-Aguste Renoir in the Impressionist period. I compared and contrasted their works where women were the subjects and made an analysis about their different roles in their respective societies at the time they were working. I compared and contrasted Blonde Bather by Renoir to The Artist’s Sister at a Window by Morisot and made conclusions about their subjects and what would be appropriate for each of them to do. I found that Renoir, being a male artist, was able to treat the female figure with a more provocative approach, while Morisot, being an upper-class woman, would have been ridiculed for doing the same thing.