TITLE: Jelly Bean Character Sheet 2D
MEDIA: jpg
SOFTWARE: procreate
HARDWARE: apple tablet
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0wso3zos9wsk2pb/jellybean_2dref.jpg?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: Using the 3D character sheet as a reference, I recreated the character sheet for Jelly Bean with the final color palette and details (such as the spots).

TITLE: Stella Character Sheet 2D
MEDIA: jpg
SOFTWARE: procreate
HARDWARE: apple tablet
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt9pp1lbhmk0dih/girl.jpg?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: Using the 3D character sheet as a reference, I recreated the character sheet for Stella with the final color palette and details (such as her freckles and insulin pump).

TITLE: Beanie Character Sheet 2D
MEDIA: jpg
SOFTWARE: procreate
HARDWARE: apple tablet
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ln47tsa8zuqx1u/beanie_2dcs.jpg?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: Using the 3D character sheet as a reference, I recreated the character sheet for Beanie with the final color palette and details. During one point of the original script, Beanie undergoes a sort of ‘magical girl’ anime transformation. Almost all of his scenes were cut from the final version.

TITLE: Tyro Service Dog Center Color and Light test
MEDIA: jpg
SOFTWARE: procreate
HARDWARE: apple tablet
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/awzab9xrlz9o414/bg1.jpg?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: These two pictures test the background with different lighting and colors. The short originally was supposed to take place around sunset for more dramatic purposes but I ended up deciding to make it in the afternoon since most places would be looking to close around sunset.

TITLE: Jelly Bean Character Sheet 3D
MEDIA: jpg
SOFTWARE: Z-brush and Photoshop
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1bhlxpxrd8btux4/cs_3d.jpg?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: Using Z-brush and Photoshop, I created a scale accurate character sheet.

TITLE: Stella Character Sheet 3D
MEDIA: png
SOFTWARE: Z-brush and Photoshop
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zsu3s9vo25pi7cd/st_model_cs.png?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: Using Z-brush and Photoshop, I created a scale accurate character sheet.

TITLE: Beanie Character Sheet 3D
MEDIA: png
SOFTWARE: Z-brush and Photoshop
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uhhw55ptx6q98sf/be_model_cs.png?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: Using Z-brush and Photoshop, I created a scale accurate character sheet.
TITLE: 3D model rough character designs
MEDIA: 3d model
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nfyv11q8zf8k3qj/modelturn.mp4?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: Using Z-brush, I translated the original sketches into a 3D. This was in order to get the overall character designs to an accurate scale for the transition to 2D character sheets.

TITLE: Jelly Bean Character Concept
MEDIA: jpg
SOFTWARE: pencil/paper
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2i5h5zzmwjmditt/jellybean.jpg?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: The beginning concept sketches for Jelly Bean the corgi.

TITLE: Stella Character Concept
MEDIA: jpg
SOFTWARE: procreate, pencil/paper
HARDWARE: apple tablet
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/85ttx8ky64gmdyg/st_concept2.jpg?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: The beginning concept for Stella, a young girl with type one diabetes. She was initially going to be much younger.

TITLE: Beanie Character Concept
MEDIA: png
SOFTWARE: procreate
HARDWARE: apple tablet
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wqouvdmcga7f8om/be_concept.png?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: The beginning concept of Beanie entails of a different version of the short, where Beanie was an aggressive dog. In the newer version, it is left up to the viewer why Beanie was unfit to be a service dog.

TITLE: Background concept art
MEDIA: 3d model, jpg
SOFTWARE: Z-brush, Firealpaca, Pencil/Paper
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1yxxf5ksgrjyhjn/testc.png?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: The beginning concept art of the backgrounds was very rough. The 3D model helped to establish how I wanted the front of the building’s layout. Later down the line, the sketch (top left) ended up being the main inspiration for it’s final design.

TITLE: Script
MEDIA: pdf (and jpg)
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Word
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
CLASS: FMX 499 Senior Project
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mjwofvo4op5j26k/tyro_pickard.pdf?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: I wrote a small script defining what the characters were going to originally be going to be doing in the story. Over the course of production, the story changed quite drastically.