DRAWING TITLE: Animal Series pt.1YOUR ROLE: ArtistMEDIA: Pastel on PaperSPECIFICATIONS: 18″x 24″CLASS: Drawing 3PROFESSOR: Metra MitchellSEMESTER / TERM: SP 18INSTITUTION: Saint Charles Community CollegeDESCRIPTION: This was the beginning of a small series I made in my Drawing 3 class. I wanted to play with the colors that could be created by blending many kinds of pastels. TITLE: Animal Series pt.2YOUR ROLE: ArtistMEDIA: Pastel on PaperSPECIFICATIONS: 18″x 24″CLASS: Drawing 3PROFESSOR: Metra MitchellSEMESTER / TERM: SP 18INSTITUTION: Saint Charles Community CollegeDESCRIPTION: This drawing is the second in the small series I made for Drawing 3, I took a lot of the mistakes I made while drawing the snake previously shown and tried to learn from those with this drawing. TITLE: Monster DrawingYOUR ROLE: ArtistMEDIA: Charcoal on PaperSPECIFICATIONS: Nearly 6 feet tallCLASS: Drawing 2PROFESSOR: Brian SmithSEMESTER / TERM: FA 17INSTITUTION: Saint Charles Community CollegeDESCRIPTION: With this drawing I had a ton of fun working at such a large scale and trying to draw with my whole body rather than movements with just the elbow down. I also had a lot of fun playing with the gradients while being limited to only using charcoal which is quite easy to get very dark very fast.