DISPLAY TIME: 0:00->0:52
TITLE: Sonny: Chapter I (Dir. Jennifer Rebollo)
ROLE: Director of Photography, Art Director, Editor
TYPE: Cinematography Final
CAMERA: Red Scarlet
SOFTWARE: DaVinci Resolve
SPECIFICATIONS: 4096x2160p, H.264
CLASS: Cinematography Final
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
SEMESTER/TERM: 2023 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For our final project, my group mates and I opted to create an original piece as opposed to a scene recreation. We spent the semester fascinated by Sonny Angel Babies and wanted to make a film focused on them that utilized lots of equipment. During our shoot we ended up running into a lot of problems, for example our actress canceling last minute due to an emergency, and technical difficulties with the jib. With all of our bumps in the road, we were able to troubleshoot and find someone else to play the part, and operate the jib and moving lights with a crew of two people. This experience made me extremely comfortable with the Red Scarlet, and also troubleshooting under time constraints.

DISPLAY TIME: 0:21->1:12
TITLE: Ben’s Day Down By The Bay
ROLE: Director, Director of Photography, Editor
TYPE: Cinematography Continuity
CAMERA: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema 4K
SOFTWARE: DaVinci Resolve
SPECIFICATIONS: 4096x2160p, H.264
CLASS: Cinematography
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
SEMESTER/TERM: 2023 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For this assignment, I wanted to explore how to manipulate time and space through match cutting and never leaving the frame.