TITLE: Lighthouse
ROLE: Illustrator
TYPE: Illustrator Complex Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
CLASS: Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Dana Corrigan
SEMESTER / TERM: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For the complex illustration assignment I recreated a photograph i took in the Outerbanks. This assignment was very satisfying because I was able to see my photograph turn into a drawing. The most difficult part of this assignment was the grass because at first I drew each piece individually, then once I had enough filled in I began copy and pasting (just changing the color slightly to add variation.
TITLE: Peace
ROLE: Illustrator
TYPE: Illustrator Vector Drawing
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
CLASS: Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Dana Corrigan
SEMESTER / TERM: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This vector assignment was a group effort. As a class we drew three different vector drawings on paper, then out of the three we had to choose one and make it our own. I’ve never been successful at painting or drawing, so illustrator never seemed like a program that I would enjoy. However, after using it for this assignment I discovered drawing digitally is really enjoyable, I like how easy it is to correct my mistakes and how clean this vector assignment turned out.