Orange Call Sheet Day 3

TITLE: Orange (dir. Madison Harris)
ROLE: 2nd Assistant Director
TYPE: Call Sheet
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Excel
SEMESTER/TERM: 2023 Spring Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This was for Madison Harris’s senior thesis film. I had never made a call sheet before, and after this experience understand how important it is for an assistant director to stay on top of everyone’s schedule, and keep the set as organized as possible both in pre production and post production.


TITLE: Orange (dir. Madison Harris)
ROLE: 2nd Assistant Director
TYPE: Cast Day Out of Days
SOFTWARE: Google Sheets
SEMESTER/TERM: 2023 Spring Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I worked as 2nd Assistant director on Madison Harris’s senior thesis film Orange. This was my first time being in the production department and understanding all the documents and organization needed for a film to run efficiently.