In the fall of 2018, I took a digital imaging class with Selina Roman. The class mainly focused on creative photography and the use of Adobe Lightroom.

TITLE: Scavenger Hunt
MEDIA: Digital Images 
SOFTWARE: Adobe Lightroom
CLASS: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Selina Roman
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa 

For our first project, we had to go on a “scavenger hunt” for various items for the week. A few examples were, “Something with wings,” “something in your glove compartment,” “a low angle,” etc.

TITLE: Light Painting
MEDIA: Digital Images
SOFTWARE: Adobe Lightroom
CLASS: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Selina Roman
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

For the second project, we played with light painting. This was done by creating a longer shutter speed to let more light in the photograph. We also did this in photo club. 

TITLE: New and Familiar Places and Faces
MEDIA: Digital Illustration 
SOFTWARE: Adobe Lightroom
CLASS: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Selina Roman
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

For the third project, we had to explore someplace we had never been before. I had never been to downtown St. Pete, so the president of photo club and I decided to take the group on a field trip.  

TITLE: My People
MEDIA: Digital Images
SOFTWARE: Adobe Lightroom
CLASS: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Selina Roman
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa 

TITLE: Give and Take
MEDIA: Digital Images
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Selina Roman
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa 

For this project, we were taught on how to use the tools of photoshop, including: stamp, healing, smudge, and rectangle tool. We had to both take away and add to various photos. All the photos above are from my own, minus the beach photo; that was provided to us to practice on in-class.

TITLE: GIFts of Christmas
MEDIA: Digital Images
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Selina Roman
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa 

For this project, we used Photoshop to create GIFs. We used overlays and the “photo” was actually a video with a still. The same day I shot these, my camera was stolen from the bathroom :-))