TITLE: Admissions
YOUR ROLE: Assistant Director and Editor
MEDIA: Video Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
CAMERA: 4k Blackmagic
SPECIFICATIONS: 4096×2160, 24fps
CLASS: FMX 241 – Sound, Image, and Motion
PROFESSOR: Thomas Aquilina
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: Currently running through the film festival circuit and not allowed to be posted.
DESCRIPTION: “Admissions” a short film about two brothers who learn that only one of them will be able to attend college and have to make a decision on which brother. I was brought onto the set by Luke Dye, the writer and director of the film, to assistant direct. After working together as his editor on another set, he asked me to do the same here. Admissions has been nominated for “Best Student Film” at the 2023 Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival.
DISPLAY TIME: 7:19 -> 7:50
TITLE: Casted
YOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, and Writer
MEDIA: Video Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
CAMERA: 4k Blackmagic
SPECIFICATIONS: 3840×2160, 24fps
CLASS: FMX 312-1 Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Raye Curry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://youtu.be/HZmy1_ZIlxY?si=pgLo28homYD5FlrZ
DESCRIPTION: “Casted” is a modern thriller/mystery film following a high school girl named Harper with her three friends Ethel, Leo, and Patrick. Casted follows a comedic flair for the dramatics while having a deeper more intimidating subtext. The film takes place in what’s considered a high school. But, as revealed later, the school is only a front to the dark dreary outside that the Principal hides from the students. Casted overall is creepy, hidden behind bright colors and color-coordinated outfits. The film’s underlying message is that schools are often there to cookie-cutter people into generic roles in life.
DISPLAY TIME: 2:07 -> 2:34
TITLE: Knock Knock
YOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, and Editor
MEDIA: Video Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
CAMERA: 4k Blackmagic
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080, H.264
CLASS: FMX 312-1 Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Raye Curry
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
LINK: https://youtu.be/VxqdMmps3xg?si=iRF9jRhI4RKgEE8U
DESCRIPTION: “Knock Knock” is a short practice piece done for narrative work focusing on continuity. It is a lighthearted horror film, featuring a man working at his computer while listening to some light music. However, knocking prompts him to investigate. When checking the door for the second time, after not seeing anyone the first time, he is surprised by a monster who comedically pulls him out of the door. I wanted to make a more comedic horror short. While working on continuity, I also didn’t want to make something I would never like. So, I checked out the equipment I needed and really focused on the framing of each shot and how they would fit together to create perfect continuity.
DISPLAY TIME: 0:10 -> 0:45
TITLE: Little Shop of Horrors
YOUR ROLE: Producer, Director, and Editor
MEDIA: Video Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
CAMERA: 4k Panasonic
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080, H.264
CLASS: DMA 247 – Video Implementation (equivalent to FMX 241 – Sound, Image, and Motion)
PROFESSOR: Adrienne von Wolffersdorff
INSTITUTION: Bellevue College
LINK: https://youtu.be/zErihHIb0tw?si=HfMXhM8ivxy6wRKP
DESCRIPTION: “Little Shop of Horrors”, my remake, was the first project I did with other people on my crew. I assigned myself as the Director and Editor while I was also the one to rent out the location, props, set pieces, and find the actors. My old high school was performing a stage production of Little Shop of Horrors and so I contacted the theater department to see if they would allow me to use their set for our project. I also contacted the leading actors who played Seymour and Audrey II to cast them in my film version of the show. All of the actors were easy to film with because they took directions very easily. I also edited the project to show off the set as much as possible.
DISPLAY TIME: 0:00 -> 0:27
TITLE: Product Promo
YOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, and Editor
MEDIA: Video Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
CAMERA: 4k Panasonic
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080, H.264
CLASS: DMA 246 – Video Fundamentals (equivalent to FMX 241 – Sound, Image, and Motion)
PROFESSOR: Adrienne von Wolffersdorff
INSTITUTION: Bellevue College
LINK: https://youtu.be/qsNFVuX7ISo?si=ZztQ3J57Q1P2e65b
DESCRIPTION: “Product Promo” was an advertising project that instructed us to create a promotional video for a product that we owned in our house. I chose my Strawberry Pound Cake Perfume. For this film, I bought two whole shortcakes to spread onto my sister’s head and shoulders. I wanted to create the idea that if you wore this perfume, then you would smell just as good as if you were actually covered in Strawberry Short Cake. This project was one of the first I made where I got to use higher level equipment than my own personal camcorder. I also set up a whole backdrop for the ending cake turn and spray. I knew I wanted to recreate the iconic perfume sprays for the project, so I worked on figuring out how to accomplish it. It was also the first time playing with a light kit, having the lights all pointed up to illuminate the mist from the spray.
DISPLAY TIME: 0:00 -> 0:15
TITLE: Toy Freedom
YOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, and Editor
MEDIA: Video Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
CAMERA: Panasonic Camcorder
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080, H.264
CLASS: DMA 246 – Video Fundamentals (equivalent to FMX 241 – Sound, Image, and Motion)
PROFESSOR: Adrienne von Wolffersdorff
INSTITUTION: Bellevue College
LINK: https://youtu.be/TWlfEdFOAu4?si=xLkl9mNm7p2A7O3t
DESCRIPTION: “Toy Freedom”, while being one of the first full projects I made for film, I am still very proud of this video today. I was tasked with creating a 60 second short video about an object in motion. I knew that I wanted to do my project about my toy car. What I didn’t know was that after we made the 60 second version, our teach told us to create a 15 second version of the video without filming any new footage. It was very tough to rethink my whole project, but I am proud of how my story still gets told in just 15 seconds. I am especially proud of the ground rolling shot. I had never heard of a dolly or any equipment like that, but I wanted to use something to get a ground shot. I used my skateboard and placed my camera on top of it while pushing my skateboard over the sidewalk.
DISPLAY TIME: 1:18 -> 1:42
TITLE: Stood Up
YOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, and Editor
MEDIA: Video Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
CAMERA: Panasonic Camcorder
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080, H.264
CLASS: DMA 246 – Video Fundamentals (equivalent to FMX 241 – Sound, Image, and Motion)
PROFESSOR: Adrienne von Wolffersdorff
INSTITUTION: Bellevue College
LINK: https://youtu.be/THLzuk68oV0?si=GLiO8BTTlXgvbN4a
DESCRIPTION: “Stood Up” is about a man who creates and sets up a whole date for him and his partner. But when his partner doesn’t arrive, he gives up hope after waiting around and blows out his candles to leave. This was one of the first full projects I created on my own for a class. I planned out the storyline and used this to string together shots to tell my story without dialogue.