Casted Script

TITLE: Casted
MEDIA: Short Narrative Script
SOFTWARE: Final Draft 12
CLASS: FMX 312-1 Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Raye Curry
DESCRIPTION: “Casted” is a modern thriller/mystery film following a high school girl named Harper with her three friends Ethel, Leo, and Patrick. Casted follows a comedic flair for the dramatics while having a deeper more intimidating subtext. The film takes place in what’s considered a high school. But, as revealed later, the school is only a front to the dark dreary outside that the Principal hides from the students. Casted overall is creepy, hidden behind bright colors and color-coordinated outfits. The film’s underlying message is that schools are often there to cookie-cutter people into generic roles in life.
A Train Nowhere Script

TITLE: A Train Nowhere
MEDIA: Short Narrative Script
SOFTWARE: Final Draft 12
CLASS: FMX 240 – Screenwriting Fundamentals
PROFESSOR: Cynthia Savaglio
DESCRIPTION: “A Train Nowhere” is a short script written for the final project for the class. This was the first script I had ever written. It is a story written about a man named Alec and his girlfriend named Grace. The story starts with their break-up as Grace can’t take Alec not caring about her anymore. Alec runs to his friends who agree with Grace, that he needs to step up. When he finds her, about to get on a train, he tries to win her back, but she refuses, saying that there is more to being a good partner than asking about their day. Alec is left alone to deal with his choices.