TITLE: Table, Chairs and a Cup
MEDIA: 3D Model
HARDWARE: MacOS Monterey
CLASS: FMX 217 3D Animation
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

DESCRIPTION: For this assignment we created three models in one rendering a table with matching chairs and a cup. The purpose of this project was to learn how to successfully poly-model basic shapes i.e a square, rectangle and a hollowed out cylinder. The wooden texture was also our first time working with a material other than just a simple solid color.
TITLE: Sword and Shield
MEDIA: 3D Model
HARDWARE: MacOS Monterey
CLASS: FMX 217 3D Animation 1
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa


This sword and shield was our first moderately intricate 3D model in FMX 217. We improved upon our polygon modeling from the table and chairs, learning how to use different textures and colors. The metal section of the both of the objects really helps the model look more realistic. These are also more intricate shaped then we had done before especially the hand of the blade, which is in a sort of zig zag shape.
TITLE: Final 3D Animation Reel
MEDIA: 3D Model/Animations
HARDWARE: MacOS Monterey
CLASS: FMX 217 3D Animation
PROFESSOR: Marcio Goncalves
TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa


This video is a summary of all the large projects we completed in FMX 217. First is a turntable of a small green car inspired by a Volkswagen beetle reference image. Next, is a turntable of a my final character model inspired by a Storm Trooper from Star Wars. The remainder of the video is the character rigged and animated. The animations comprise of a walk cycle and 3 different attack poses that comprise of kicks and punches.