TITLE: Mikaela Intern Interview
ROLE: Director, Editor
MEDIA: Interview
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
HARDWARE: Canon t7
SPECIFICATIONS: 600 pixels x 300 pixels
DESCRIPTION: While interning at SOFWERX I was assigned to interview every intern for the Summer 2022 semester. This interview is of the graphic design intern Mikaela Underwood, who I worked with closely. These videos really helped me learn how to interview people as well as create multiple videos of the same set up that all aesthetically match.
TITLE: Fake Snow Instagram Reel
ROLE: Director, Editor
MEDIA: Instagram Reel
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
HARDWARE: Canon t7
SPECIFICATIONS:1080 pixels x 1920 pixels
DESCRIPTION: While interning at SOFWERX I was assigned to create educational and creative STEM for the Instagram page. I edited together clips from other employees creating fake snow from baking soda. I made sure to add captions and make the reel less than 40 seconds as it short enough to hold the audience’s attention.
TITLE: Trolley Video
ROLE: Editor
MEDIA: Video
SOFTWARE: Premiere Pro
HARDWARE: Canon t7
SPECIFICATIONS: 600 pixels x 300 pixels
DESCRIPTION: While interning at SOFWERX I was assigned to create a video to explain to customers how to get to the Sofwerx office in Ybor from Channelside after an event called SOFIC. The Sofwerx Social Media Manager took the videos as she was able to attend SOFIC and I edited together the video for Youtube and Instagram. I also did the voice over from a script the Social Media Manager provided me.