Title: Massage Room
Course: FMX 241 – Sound, Image & Motion
Term: Spring 2019
Professor: Warren Cockerham
Equipment: Cannon 5D, Tungsten Lights, Audio Technica Lavaliere & Shotgun mics, MacBookPro.
Software: Adobe Premiere, ProTools
Description: Narrative Short Film about Massage Rooms. My wife does rehabilitative massage therapy for people that have been in accidents. There is a lot of misinformation about massage in general out there. After the Patriot’s head coach was arrested at a Massage Parlor in Tampa, FL, I felt the need to make this video.
Title: Do You Play a Role?
Course: FMX 241 – Sound, Image & Motion
Term: Spring 2019
Professor: Warren Cockerham
Equipment: MacBookPro.
Software: Adobe Premiere
Description: What does an American Family look like? It’s hard to answer that question when considering a broad time line; say the 1940’s to today. Family composition and roles have changed considerably. Socioeconomics and Gender Identity may have had an impact as well. This video is about asking the question, not answering it. The answers are individual and come from the viewer.
Title: Old Tech vs New Tech
Course: FMX 211
Term: Spring 2019
Professor: Blanka Roundtree
Equipment: Camera Obscura, iPhone 8, Cannon 5D, Audio Technica Lavaliere & Shotgun mics, MacBookPro.
Software: Adobe Premiere, ProTools
Description: Performance Art short… One of my main interests as an Artist is blending old and new technologies together. New Tech can offer lots of advantages, but Old Tech still has desirable traits that can often be attributed to their limitations. With the camera obscura, I was limited by the position of the camera, time of day, and ability to capture the image (using an iPhone and drop sheet to cover the viewer). The limitations also help guide you towards a specific process. In this short video, I start at dawn capturing images of the waterfront as the sun begins to rise. I then set up a green screen at Starbucks and invited strangers to have coffee with me and talk about technology and shared my camera obscura. In post production, I replaced the green screen with the footage I had taken of the river front, which blends the old and new styles of cameras into one composition.