START: 1:50-2:30

TITLE: The Goddess’ Relic
MEDIA: Digital Video
SOFTWARE: Unreal Engine 4
HARDWARE: Black Magic 6K
CLASS: FMX 324 Cinematography/Virtual Production
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham/Gregg Perkins
TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I was a virtual producer on this film, finding worlds, altering them to our needs, and sequencing the camera in real time on set as well as assisting Hannah Sam in sequencing establishing shots.

START: 0:00-0:30

TITLE: The Oracle
MEDIA: Digital Video
SOFTWARE: Unreal Engine 4
HARDWARE: Black Magic 6K
TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
FESTIVAL: Black Box Film Festival / Campus Movie Fest
DESCRIPTION: On this film I assisted Brian Lee, operating the volume and working with Madison Harris to match the camera with the volume.


TITLE: Blade Runner 2049 Scene Recreation
MEDIA: Digital Video
SOFTWARE: Unreal Engine 4
HARDWARE: Black Magic 6K
CLASS: FMX 324 Cinematography
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I took on multiple roles for this scene recreation of Blade Runner 2049. I was a Virtual Producer, buying worlds in Unreal Engine Marketplace and building a completely new section in an original world, as well as operating the volume and acting as agent K at the same time. As of now, the scene is still a rough cut.