TITLE: Never Underestimate
MEDIA: Short Narrative Script
SOFTWARE: Writer Duet
PAGES: 23 (Pgs 13-14 Shown)
CLASS: FMX 240 Screenwriting Fundamentals
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
SEMESTER: Spring 2022

This was our final script for the semester, which we started workshopping during the first few weeks of class. This script is about a girl, Keegan who gets unexpectedly dragged into the mafia and her new partner Hayden reluctantly teaches her how to fight to avenge her father.

TITLE: new.
MEDIA: Short Narrative Script
SOFTWARE: Writer Duet
PAGES: 10 (Pgs 4-5 Shown)
CLASS: FMX 312 Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
SEMESTER: Fall 2022

This script was the script for our final project in narrative production. The story is about a quiet and shy girl who transfers to a private school full of snooty mean girls who never give her a break.