DISPLAY TIME: 1:32 –> 2:25
TITLE: Disappearance of Oakley Terrance (Rough Cut)
ROLE: Sound Director and Editing
DOCUMENTS MADE: Shot List, Scouting Location, Budget, Script Breakdown, Breakdown Sheet, Look Book, Storyboard.
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: As a group, we collaborated on producing our film. My team consisted of myself, Dante Peterson, Anthony Galindo, and Heidi Abramavicius. Anthony Galindo played the role of Producer, Dante Peterson played the role of Director, Heidi Abramavicius played the role of Director of Photography, and I played the role of Sound Director and Editing. Our film is about a child that goes missing from a state park in Florida. A young park ranger is determined to find the child. The park ranger quickly finds that this isn’t simply the case of a child wandering off but of a creature hunting and the ranger’s investigation catches the attention of the creature. The script was written by Dante Peterson and Anthony Galindo. During filming, I set up the scenes and managed the Boom Mic. Our filming got delayed due to permit issues. The permit issues got resolved and filming completed on December 3. Due to time constraints, editing was broken up by scene where each team member edited a scene. I was in charge of providing lunch for everyone on set.

TITLE: Location Scouting – Disappearance of Oakley Terrance
ROLE: Sound Director and Editing
DOCUMENTS MADE: Location Scouting
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: As a group, we collaborated on the creation of our Location Scouting presentation. For the location scouting, we broke down the work into tasks. Each member of the team contributed to the Location Scouting presentation either by taking pictures or interviewing park rangers. I was tasked with organizing the pictures for the buildings for our film. Location scouting is an essential part of planning out a film. It confirms where we shoot, helps envision each space prior to shooting, and helps with other pre-production planning aspects related to location.

TITLE: Look Book Proposal – Disappearance of Oakley Terrance
ROLE: Sound Director and Editing
DOCUMENTS MADE: Look Book Proposal
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: As a group, we collaborated on the creation of our Look Book Proposal. Our Look Book outlines the visual style, aesthetics, and mood we are aiming to achieve and communicate our artistic vision. Everyone contributed scenes and ideas from their favorite horror films. The Disappearance of Oakley Terrance is a horror film so there is dark lighting and silhouette-like lighting to enhance the horror genre. Our film is dark in tone and picture. The image is a page from our Look Book and shows the costumes visible in the film.

TITLE: Storyboard Presentation – Disappearance of Oakley Terrance
ROLE: Sound Director and Editing
DOCUMENTS MADE: Storyboard Presentation
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: As a group, we collaborated on the creation of our Storyboard presentation. The presentation breaks down each scene and shot and communicates the purpose of each shot, the characters in each shot, what specifically the characters are doing in the shot, the shot description, camera movement, camera angle, and identifying whether Interior/Exterior and time of Day. The storyboard visually represents each shot and scene, helping our team visualize the final product.

TITLE: Shot List – Disappearance of Oakley Terrance
ROLE: Sound Director and Editing
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: As a group, we collaborated on completing the Shot List for our film. The shot list is a very important aspect to preproduction as it organizes the order of shots so that the day of shooting will be smooth. As a group we collaboratively discussed the order of the shots for the film including detailing each shot, camera angle, any special equipment required, and the details about what happens in each scene. I was responsible for collecting audio sound effects and eerie music for the film.

TITLE: Breakdown Sheet – Disappearance of Oakley Terrance
ROLE: Sound Director and Editing
DOCUMENTS MADE: Breakdown sheet
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In my class group, following the Script Breakdown, we created the Breakdown sheet for our film. As a group, we collaborated on filling out the Breakdown sheet template for our film. In the breakdown sheet, we identified all the elements needed for our production, including locations, props, costumes, actors, sound, and final crucial situations for pre-production for each scene. For my role, I identified the sound effects needed for each scene that will enhance the aspects of the film’s horror/thriller genre. The image above is from scene 5 from our breakdown sheet.

TITLE: Script Breakdown – Disappearance of Oakley Terrance
ROLE: Sound Director and Editing
DOCUMENTS MADE: Script Breakdown
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In my class group, our next task was to complete the Script Breakdown. In the script breakdown, we revised our film script by identifying all the essential elements for each scene, including characters, props, costumes, locations, set dressing, vehicles, season/weather, VFX, and sound using a color coded legend. For my role, I identified where to add sound and what sound to add to further enhance the aspects of the film’s horror/thriller genre. Sound is color-coded yellow in our script breakdown. The image is an example of a few pages from the script.

TITLE: The Disappearance of Oakley Terrance
ROLE: Sound Director and Editing
DOCUMENTS MADE: Film Script scene by scene
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In my class group, the first document we created was the film script. My group consisted of myself, Dante Peterson, Anthony Galindo, and Heidi Abramavicius. Our direction was to create a thriller story. In class, we collaborated on an idea presented by Dante Peterson and brainstormed scenes for the script. Dante Peterson and Anthony Galindo consolidated the scenes into a draft film script. As a group, we reviewed the film script. The image is a screenshot of the title page and the first page of the script. I really enjoyed the group collaboration.

TITLE: Mank Essay
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: An individual homework assignment required me to watch the movie, Mank, a 2020 biographical drama directed by David Fincher about Herman “Mank” Mankiewicz, a screenwriter working in Hollywood during the 1930s and 1940s. The premise of the film is the complicated story about how Mank developed, created, and wrote the Academy Award winning screenplay for Citizen Kane. The film showcased key characteristics a successful screenwriter should possess and reveals a screenwriter’s creative process. As a film student, I learned many lessons relating to screenwriting from watching the film. Mank demonstrated creativity, great storytelling ability, attention to detail (paint the scene), and character development. Mank mastered the process of creating a nonlinear story by utilizing flashbacks. The flashbacks were my favorite part of the movie. It kept my attention for the entire length of the film. I will use Mank as an example when utilizing flashbacks. I like how the movie was filmed in the 1930s but was actually filmed in 2020.

TITLE: My Best Fiend Essay
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: An individual homework assignment required me to watch the documentary film, My Best Fiend directed and produced by Werner Herzog and write an essay describing the relationship between Herzog, Klaus Kinski (German actor), and the production crew including how were problems resolved during filming with Kinski. In the analysis, include the visual and poetic connection between the first and last scene of the documentary. And finish the analysis with lessons learned. The film documents Herzog’s relationship with Kinski over the course of their filming relationship. Herzog visits the location where he met Kinski and various filming locations. Even though Kinski was an individual full of rage and difficult to work with, the documentary is a tribute to Klaus Kinski. Herzog recalls budget and Kinski were his two biggest problems while filming. The first scene of the documentary showcases the true mannerisms and behaviors of Kinski depicting him as crazy and unhinged. As a director, Herzog knew Kinski had great energy and learned how to evoke it and bring it to life in films. The last scene is the direct opposite and exposes the kind soul and joy inside Kinski. My biggest take away from the film is that as a director, you can learn from anyone. Herzog learned from Kinski. The assignment helped with understanding the responsibilities of casting.

TITLE: Vertigo Decoupage and Analysis
ROLE: Producer
DOCUMENTS MADE: Decoupage (shot-by-shot breakdown)
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In our class group, we had to analyze scene 3 of Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, Vertigo focusing on the interaction between the characters Midge (Barbara Bel Geddes) and Scottie (James Stewart). Using the script provided by Professor Olarte, we collaboratively broke down the scene describing each camera angle, shot comparison, and camera movement used. The image outlines the breakdown of the screenshots from scene 3. We identified continuity issues and challenges in the scene between Midge and Scottie. We identified cost factors for the scene and compared the costs between the current day and 1957. We discussed how resources like crew, props, and costumes were allocated for the scene and impacted the budget. We determined that the pricier aspect had to be moving the crew around the set for the shots. Finally, we assessed the effectiveness of the casting choices for the characters and found good chemistry between the Midge and Scottie. The sarcasm between the two worked well to show the different dynamics in the two characters. Lessons learned from the activity include how to breakdown a script including the perspectives of camera angles and movements, continuity, and budget. The activity helped us begin to understand the importance of preproduction planning.