This project introduce me to using Adobe Animate and a Wacom tablet. I love the movie Hocus Pocus and I thought that it would be cool to animate an iconic moment from the movie. The project took me over 10 hours and I appreciated hand drawn animation a lot more after its completion.
This project was the first project I did in Animation I. I have never done stop motion before and the experience was eye opening. I took the individual photographs with a DSLR camera and edited the movie together ultimately in Adobe Premiere.
This project was done using After Effects. Before the project I briefly used the software in Intro to Sound, Image and Motion. I understood it better and this project helped me with rhythm and flow. The music is not mine, belongs to Panic! at the Disco.
This is my final project for Animation I that I used Adobe Animate for. The audio is a scene from Star Wars. The focus was on mouth movement and gestures of characters.