This was my first film project ever. The assignment was to create a Narrative film about anything. It was the beginning of October so I decided to make a spooky satire. I filmed, directed, scripted, and edited everything together. The music is not my mine and was used for educational purposes.
This project was our documentary assignment. I asked the permission of Paul Finnochairo to film his rehearsal for Guys and Dolls, the musical production for Fall 2017. I followed the director Paul, stage manager Peyton, and actor Gershom. The music is not my mine and was used for educational purposes.
This was my experimental film assignment. The point of the assignment was to tell a story using unconventional storylines. I decided to portray the story of unrequited love. The story follows the girl who wishes to be with boy however seeing them together affects her mental health. The music is not my mine and was used for educational purposes.