As a digital artist, I have explored many aspects in the field ever since the prospect of becoming digital artist caught my eye freshman year of college. Upon taking classes and being mentored by others I have discovered my true passion is designing, photography, and video editing. Originally my plan to was go into animation but I discovered that I feel I am able to create and please not only myself and others with my passions. 

    Although I admire and respect animation in its entirety, it is definitely my weakness. Specifically 2D animation requires a skilled hand and patience that I continue to improve upon and strive to get better at. The animation professor I had was excellent and very helpful with her feedback and pointers on my animation so I must take it upon myself to improve in this area of my work. 

    In regards to my professors and classes that I have taken to help me further my education, two professors have really helped shape me and have opened my eyes into what kind of digital artist I can be. I would like to acknowledge Blanka Roundtree to being the professor of the foundations course, Foundations to Digital Art. She first introduced me to HTML5, PhotoShop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Without her guidance, I would have never found my love for the major. Second I want to acknowledge Santiago Echeverry. My first class I’ve had with him is Creative Coding and I can honestly say he is the first professor I feel who has pushed me to be my best and to create what I am the most capable of. I have learned an important lesson in class, keep pushing yourself. Once you’ve topped what you have done you can still push the bar and become better. 

    After graduation, my goal is to actually work for television and or film in its post production team or design team. I love film and anyway I can use my skills to be involved would be ideal. I would like to work in New York City because I love the diversity and I want to be able to learn from others and continue to develop my skills there. Lastly, I want to make  great grandfather proud. He was an artist himself and I strive to be as great as he was in his lifetime. I am excited to push myself and to learn more at The University of Tampa as I approach my final semesters here.