My Senior Project is intended to be a complete 3D Model, that will be textured and rigged so that it can be animated in the future.
Progress: Beginnings
I began my project with the designing of my character. I also did some preliminary work in Maya with anatomy and proportions, since it was the program I was most comfortable with. However, I decided to begin approaching Mudbox for the official modeling of the character.
SP_Sketch1 SP_Maya1 SP_Maya2 SP_Sketch2 SP_Sketch3
Progress: Mudbox
This project is my first time working in Mudbox. The beginning was definitely a challenge, so I focused on trying to get the general shape of my character’s body sculpted out. This stage is still much lower detail than where I intend to end at.

Progress: Well crap
Towards the end of March, I was involved in a serious fire in my apartment that was caused by a roommate cooking. Luckily, nobody was hurt, but it caused a lot of damage. Because of the sprinkler system and fire fighters, there was a lot of flooding and water damage, and a lot of things were lost, among which included my computer’s hard-drive, a.k.a. a lot of my Senior Project. As of early April, I am still trying to obtain a new residence, and subsequently have no updates for my Senior Project.
Progress: Model

After losing virtually all of my model progress, I was able to gain access to the older file and begin working on the modeling again. Despite it being my first time using the program, I was really enjoying Mudbox, and the capability of directly sculpting anatomy onto/into my model. I worked with a basic human body, and worked on adding detailed musculature, and other details like kneecaps, nose, and the navel. I intended to finish modeling the face, and move into clothing and finalizing the model as a whole, but due to other obligations, I needed to prioritize getting the character’s body modeled to completion. Total Polygons: 532,480