Attached below is a PFD file of my Fall 2018 Digital Media Portfolio that entails all of my projects I have created this semester.
Wake-Up Call Animation
TITLE: Wake-Up Call Animation
ROLE: Editor
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For this assignment, I had to make a one minute animation by drawing frame-by-frame of a video of myself. This included 600 frames and 50+ hours of my time in the completion of this project all in the span of one week. This animation that I drew was a video of myself I had recorded that semester. The original piece was myself being lazy and not completing a task. I took the majority of it and added a twist of a puppy to bring the character a wake up call. I submitted my project into the FA18 Black Box Film Festival and received Best Animation. The next semester, I had my professor Santiago Echeverry recommend my film to be viewed at the Gasparilla International Film Festival. I was able to experience so many great opportunities from this piece and it’s an accomplishment to look back on.
Autoscopy: The Golden Child

TITLE: Autoscopy: The Golden Child
ROLE: Editor
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This is the first class project using the program Adobe Photoshop. I struggled a bit figuring out the tools so this project took me some time. Back home, I always joke around with how I am the golden child out of all my siblings. I have my three siblings in the right corner and I am highlighted in gold. I organized each layer so I wasn’t confused. I played around with the original background so it doesn’t look like the original. I did this with the halo and cloud as well. I also smudged my teeshirt so it didn’t say “deegee” on it.
Places I’ve Never Been Before
TITLE: Places I’ve Never Been Before
ROLE: Editor
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I made two separate pieces for this project since I had so much fun with it. On the left is my prom photo that I photoshopped myself next to Leonardo DiCaprio at the Oscars. On the right I photoshopped myself looking at the Eiffel tower in Paris. Both of these things is something that I would love to experience in my lifetime so being able to make it visual made this project enjoyable to create.
Color Wheel Self Portrait
TITLE: Color Wheel Self Portrait
ROLE: Editor
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I created 5 color portraits of myself using different palettes in Photoshop.
Mesh Tool Project
TITLE: Color Wheel Self Portrait
ROLE: Editor
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I took a picture of ourself and converted it into vector shapes using gradient mesh. Shown on the left is the original photo and on the right is the mesh. I made multiple layers in order to create this. I struggled the most on making my nose.
Linear Gradient – Florida Sunset
TITLE: Linear Gradient – Florida Sunset
ROLE: Editor
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This project involved coding linear gradients in Dreamweaver. This is one of my first projects using coding. I decided to create a sunset and used a variety of different colors.