TITLE: 2D Animation II: Egg Hunt Short
MEDIA: mp4
SOFTWARE: Toon Boom Harmony
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
CLASS: FMX 338 2D Animation II
PROFESSOR: Dana Corrigan
SEMESTER / TERM: Fall 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ekrd9avs2csao3f/egghunt_pickard.mp4?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: This is a short animation that was originally written as a prologue to my senior project but was reworked as a short.
TITLE: 2D Animation Demo Reel Spring 2022
MEDIA: mp4
SOFTWARE: Toon Boom Harmony
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
SPECIFICATIONS: 720px X 1280px
CLASS: FMX 238 2D Animation I
PROFESSOR: Dana Corrigan
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wgv5qqz0532ssuv/2d_demoreel_spring2022.mp4?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: This is a demo reel from a beginners animation course from University of Tampa. In between this demo reel and the 2018 version, I have done a lot of practicing and studying on animation in my free time. The music is by Ketsa and is called Ripples.
TITLE: 2D Animation Demo Reel Summer 2018
MEDIA: mp4
SOFTWARE: Adobe Animate
HARDWARE: iMac Os X and PC
SPECIFICATIONS: 720px X 1280px
CLASS: ART 047 Introduction to Animation
SEMESTER / TERM: Summer 2018
INSTITUTION: Solano Community College
LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pxh9f4jd2hh2i61/2d_animation_reel.mp4?raw=1
DESCRIPTION: This is a demo reel from a beginners animation course from Solano Community College in Northern California. The music is by Cameron Music and is called Light and Chirpy.