TIME TITLE: BossyYOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, ActorTYPE: Performance ArtCAMERA: Canon 5D Mark IVSOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere ProSPECIFICATIONS: 1920x1080p, H.264 DURATION: 1’08”CLASS: FMX 211 Art and TechnologyPROFESSOR: Elena CifuentesSEMESTER / TERM: 2020 SpringINSTITUTION: University of Tampa DESCRIPTION: This film means a lot to me. I usually include humor in everything I create so a piece this serious was a big change. I have been called “bossy” my entire life and I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for the people who spoke “leader” over my life instead. My objective was to call attention to the differences in language we use to describe men and women. My main focus was the message so I didn’t put much thought or time into the set or cinematography. This was another piece created in quarantine so I completely wrote, filmed and edited it myself, inside my house. PLAY: 2:30 to 3:28TITLE: If The World Was EndingYOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, EditorTYPE: Music VideoCAMERA: Canon 5D Mark IVSOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere ProSPECIFICATIONS: 1920x1080p, H.264 DURATION: 3’47”CLASS: FMX 211 Art and TechnologyPROFESSOR: Elena CifuentesSEMESTER / TERM: 2020 SpringINSTITUTION: University of Tampa DESCRIPTION: This is probably my favorite film I’ve made so far. I filmed this with my sister during the Covid-19 quarantine so my resources and choices of location were limited. This project helped me improve my lighting skills and taught me how to shoot in low lighting. I had a lot of fun finding different locations in my house to film and working with my sister. It was also cool to have the rest of my family watch the process and then get to show them the finished result. When I’m at school, they don’t get that behind the scenes. PLAY: 0:27 to 1:36TITLE: TelecommutingYOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, EditorTYPE: DocumentaryCAMERA: Canon t5SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere ProSPECIFICATIONS: 1920x1080p, H.264 DURATION: 2’23”CLASS: FMX 241 Sound, Image and MotionPROFESSOR: Gregg PerkinsSEMESTER / TERM: 2019 SpringINSTITUTION: University of Tampa DESCRIPTION: This project is the result of procrastination. I waited until the last few days of spring break to conceptualize, shoot, and edit this. With that being said, I’m happy with how it turned out. I followed my dad around for a few days filming him and formed a storyline in editing. I’m proud of the storyline I was able to create and some of the cinematography. If I were to film this again, I’d allot more time to film an interview and completely change the format. PLAY: 0:00 to 0:37TITLE: The BellsYOUR ROLE: Editor, Soundtrack ProducerTYPE: ExperimentalFOOTAGE: Found Stock FootageSOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere ProSPECIFICATIONS: 1920x1080p, H.264 DURATION: 2’23”CLASS: FMX 241 Sound, Image and MotionPROFESSOR: Gregg PerkinsSEMESTER / TERM: 2019 SpringINSTITUTION: University of Tampa DESCRIPTION: I made this film with found stock footage, a “song” I created in Recording and Electronic Music 1, and a recording of the poem “The Bells” by Edgar Allan Poe. This is the only experimental film I’ve made so far and although I like the result, I’m not eager to make another. I enjoyed the process but I enjoy narrative filmmaking more. TITLE: The NoteYOUR ROLE: Director, Cinematographer, EditorTYPE: NarrativeCAMERA: Canon t5SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere ProSPECIFICATIONS: 1920x1080p, H.264 DURATION: 0’33”CLASS: FMX 241 Sound, Image and MotionPROFESSOR: Gregg PerkinsSEMESTER / TERM: 2019 SpringINSTITUTION: University of Tampa DESCRIPTION: I made this as a technical exercise when I was first learning how to properly work a camera. This was a huge step in my education and probably the course of my life. I learned how to shoot on manual, use manual focus, and the importance of shot continuity during the filming of this project. I’ve brought these skills into all of my film and photography projects since. I focused more on the cinematography than the narrative and it shows. If I could redo this project, I think I would use some sort of light to even the lighting out and use royalty free music in post.