TITLE: BW to Color
MEDIA: Digital Image
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
SPECIFICATIONS: 1200 x 1010px
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
TERM: Fall 2020
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://emdigitalmedia.blogspot.com/
DESCRIPTION: For this project we needed to choose an image of ourselves and turn it black and white using PhotoshopWe then created 3 different colorized versions of the image using a select palette. For mine, I decided I wanted to do three color palettes that were pretty different from each other. For the first one, I wanted to recreate the original image as close as possible with more natural colors. For the second, I went in the complete opposite direction and transformed myself into something very unnatural. For the last one, I went with a neutral palette of browns and pinks, which created a look that resembled a typical photo filter.

TITLE: Multiplicity
MEDIA: Digital Image
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
SPECIFICATIONS: 1200 x 900px
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
TERM: Fall 2020
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://emdigitalmedia.blogspot.com/
DESCRIPTION: This project involved setting up a tripod and taking at least 6 pictures of ourselves with the same lighting and location and without moving the camera and framing. We then combined them all into one single image. For my image, I decided I wanted it to be of me receiving therapy from myself while other versions of myself goofed off in the background. Overall, the hardest part of the project was editing the version of myself laying down on the floor. Since there was a shadow on the floor, I had to make sure it transferred over and made it blend into the new floor.

TITLE: Autoscopy
MEDIA: Digital Image
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
SPECIFICATIONS: 900 x 1200px
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
TERM: Fall 2020
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://emdigitalmedia.blogspot.com/
DESCRIPTION: This project was a self portrait alteration and it provided an opportunity to explore layer effects and Photoshop filters. My project played on the idea of the duality of the brain. The idea is that our right side of the brain is more creative and free, whereas the left side is more logical and critical. I have alway been a creative person, so I favor my right side (hence the flowers and overall more positive atmosphere of the right side). I find things that require me to think in a specific manner to be more difficult, hence why the left side is more dark, with chains and poison ivy.