3D TIMESTAMP: 0:00 to TITLE: 3D Animation II Demo ReelMEDIA: 3D AnimationSOFTWARE: MayaHARDWARE: WindowsSPECIFICATIONS: 1080pCLASS: FMX 217 3D Animation IIPROFESSOR: Marcio GoncalvesSEMESTER: Fall 2020DESCRIPTION: A 3D demo reel for class of a character of mine, Thibodeau. All of these animations were done for different projects for the class. TITLE: Thibodea 3D TurntableMEDIA: 3D AnimationSOFTWARE: MayaHARDWARE: WindowsSPECIFICATIONS: 1080pCLASS: FMX 217 3D Animation IIPROFESSOR: Marcio GoncalvesSEMESTER: Fall 2020DESCRIPTION: A 3D Turntable of my model of Thibodeau for my above demo reel. TITLE: Evil Case TurntableMEDIA: 3D AnimationSOFTWARE: MayaHARDWARE: WindowsSPECIFICATIONS: 1080pPERSONAL WORKDESCRIPTION: A project I wanted to do with my free time one day. I imagined a suitcase with horrible, sharp teeth, and did a few animations and models for it. TITLE: PawpsicleMEDIA: 3D ModelSOFTWARE: MayaHARDWARE: WindowsCLASS: FMX 213 3D Printing and ModellingPROFESSOR: Mikhail MansionSEMESTER: Fall 2020DESCRIPTION: A final project for my 3D printing class. Unfortunately, all I have is the final Maya file. I printed it with the University’s 3D printing studio, but the model has since been lost.