EXTREME EVOCAST! My podcast about Pokémon, Extreme Evocast. Available on it’s hosting website, it’s YouTube channel, and it’s Twitter page. TIMESTAMP: 0:00 to 0:35TITLE: Extreme Evocast! Episode 66 SnippetMEDIA: Digital Illustration, VideoSOFTWARE: Adobe PremiereHARDWARE: WindowsSPECIFICATIONS: 1080pPERSONAL WORKLINK: https://twitter.com/ExtremeEvocast/status/1439347212132261897DESCRIPTION: A snippet from episode 66 of Extreme Evocast, showing off the format and art. TITLE: Extreme Evocast! New Banner/LogoMEDIA: Digital IllustrationSOFTWARE: FireAlpaca64xHARDWARE: WindowsSPECIFICATIONS: 1080x1920px, RGB, 350DPIPERSONAL WORKDESCRIPTION: The art that acts as the logo and banner for Extreme Evocast, and thumbnails for YouTube videos. TITLE: Extreme Evocast! Old Banner/LogoMEDIA: Digital IllustrationSOFTWARE: FireAlpaca64xHARDWARE: WindowsSPECIFICATIONS: 1080x1920px, RGB, 350DPIPERSONAL WORKDESCRIPTION: The first acting draft of the logo and banner for Extreme Evocast.