Title: Buggy Turn
Software: Cinema 4D
Hardware: Mac OS
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920X1080px, 24fps
Course: FMX 317 3D animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Term: Fall 2021
Institution: University of Tampa
The goal of this assignment was to make a fully rendered turn table of any character we made ourselves in Cinema 4D I decided rather than make a character with a ton of clothes and accessories to make something you would imagine to be the goofy character in fighting games like Street Fighter. Specifically for the fact he would be a character I needed to animate. Give him a recognizable face that stands out among what would be other realistic humans, then a modest wardrobe of shoes with knee high socks and blue shorts.

Software: Cinema 4D
hardware: Mac OS
Course: FMX 317 3D animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Term: Fall 2021
Institution: University of Tampa
Our first assignment in 317. The goal was to model a simple train however we wanted. We weren’t familiar with the software yet as we had maybe an hours worth of prep time. There was a picture we had in the program showing the outline of what it needed to resemble, however the way we got to this point was up to us. I decided I want to utilize color and the in software day and night system to help me bring this together. Specially how I tried to avoid reusing color when I needed something pop out from the rest of the train. Wheels being red, the body being blue, the window being a pale purple, etc. Most were just making the train and calling it a day, but I decided to go the extra mile and make a fully rendered model that you see here.
Title: Shed
Software: MAYA
Hardware: Mac OS & Windows 10
course: FMX 213 3D Printing and modeling
Professor: Christopher Christian
Term: Fall 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
We we’re tasked with using MAYA to create either a vehicle or small environment. For this assignment I decided to go with a lone shed that you would imagine sitting on the edge of town. I wasn’t super familiar with extruding faces of models at the time, hence why the doorway and windows look tiny compared to other objects. However I understood using primary shapes and how to use those to give the illusion of what you see here. each fold of the roof is a square without one of it corners. The folds are all rectangles cut in half, etc. This was a personal favorite of my earlier projects and would love to try this again.
software: cinema 4D
hardware: Windows 10
course: FMX 317 3D animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Term: Fall 2021
Institution: University of Tampa
The task was to make any weapon we wanted within the program. I decided to make a 3D model of the Kingdom Key from the Kingdom Hearts series. This was a fun one to make as this was the first assignment I had learned how to properly play with the software and be able to extrude and intrude my models by essentially making an entire model with just one shape. I did a similar trick like the train model before this where I had a 2D photo of the object in engine, then as I built it would make my model over it in order to give it proper proportions.
Title: Barrel
FMX 317 3D animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
program: Cinema 4D
hardware: Mac OS
term: fall 2021
Institution: University of Tampa
I was tasked with making a turn table of any object I could create within the program. Similarly to the keyblade, I made this is the same class period where I was having fun with playing with words and textures. I figured a barrel was a good starting point due to the fact I only needed two textures and could easily let me see how to properly apply one and how to see the easy pitfalls of it.
class: 3D modeling
Professor: Christopher Christian
program: MAYA
Hardware: Windows 10
term: fall 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
I was tasked with making an environment with pure polygons. No extruding. I had the idea of making a scene that you would see when looking through old computer magazines that would have tag line of saying something to the effect of “Are you keeping up with the commodore? Its keeping up with you!” I thought this was overall a fun project, though I if I were to do it again, I immediately know how to optimize it better after playing around with Cinema 4D.

class: 3D animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Program: Cinema 4D
Hardware: Mac OS
Term: Fall 2021
Institution: University of Tampa
To help up me learn how to model with rounded and otherwise smoother characters, Bomberman was chosen for having his rounded geometry, but not so complex outfit. I noticed when making this that the guide was doing normal Bomberman who dons a mostly white and pink outfit. The help myself standout more, in the Bomberman games he has a group of friend who look identical to him with different color palettes, much like the Power Rangers. So to mix things up I went with Blue Bomberman. there were some challenges that I managed to overcome while working on this. For instance, there was an issue where his head wouldn’t smooth out into the rounded shape you see here. Another issue when making the legs, his joints wouldn’t connect, so I’d get to go back and play with shapes to see what I needed to adjust to fix it.