coding work
code: Javascript
Programs used: Asprite, Javascript
CLASS: FMX 310 Creative Coding
hardware used: Windows 10
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
institution: University of tampa
The goal of this assignment was to make something fully interactive, for this one I decided it would be nice to make all the assets by hand using a program called Asprite to create the character the player controls, the gems on screen that bounce around, as well as every individual background. As the video shows, the game is controlled by moving the mouse to move wood-wizard, having him move over gems earns points, getting all of them on a screen progress you to the next, as well as refreshes the time you have left. Get as many gems as you can!
code: HMTL5
CLASS: FMX 310 Creative Coding
assignment: illustration
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
Hardware used: Windows 10
This was my second full character illustration to make in HTML, the goal of this one was to make the character interactive. So I decided to make the King of Cosmos from the Katamari Damacy series. It was tricky at first getting perspective on this done, namely the kinds ruffles around his neck. However I feel I did a great job at bringing him to life. Another challenge was getting the colors on his head piece together. I had to manage distance between each color in the code or else everything was going to be muddy looking together that you wouldn’t be able to distinguish colors apart from one another. Overall the was a lot of fun working on this.
Assignment: Vector mandala
code: HMTL5
CLASS: FMX 310 Creative Coding
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
Hardware used: Windows 10
institution: University of Tampa
The goal of this assignment was to make an interactive mandala with vectors. I wanted to include colors that contrasted each other in the foreground and background, meanwhile compliment objects that were on the same plane as them. The trickiest part to me was getting the or fan like shapes to appear correctly, during the coding phase there was difficulty on it not displaying at all when I would put it into motion, fortunately it was something I was able to figure out that you see here. If I had to do this one again, I would get much crazier with it, having more objects within objects moving in the opposite direction of each other.
code: HMTL5
CLASS: FMX 310 Creative Coding
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
Hardware used: Windows 10
Institution: University of tampa
My vision for this one was to use lyrics from the song “Nothing is promised” by Atsushi Kitajoh. Transforming it from a song about living without fear of acting out against a crowd. Because I wanted to use a lot of bright colors I was worried it would be too hard to see on a white background, fortunately thanks to the amount of lyrics I included the words themselves were congested to the point you’re able to see the brighter colors stand out against the darker ones, paired with the background.
Class: FMX 311 online production
professor: Santiago Echeverry
hardware used: Windows 10
Term: Fall 2022
Institution: University of Tampa
My intention for this was to be a short story involving a robot whose long since outlived his purpose in life. Text boxes appear reading his thoughts as he stares out to civilization. With hand drawn sprite panels reminiscent of comic books while he reflects on his live. I intend to turn this one into something more down the line. It was tricky getting the sprites to appear where I needed them to when the text boxes would open during the programming phase. Though with my determination, I was able to handle it.
program used: HTML5
assignment: video mandala
Hardware used: Windows 10
class: FMX 310 creative coding
professor: Santiago Echeverry
term: spring 2021
institution: university of Tampa
This one I wanted to make trippy yet still pleasing to the eye. I intensified my color palette from the vector mandala and used it to make crazy shapes that fill the screen for with noise that drags someone’s eye across the page. Upon the littlest mouse movement, its possible for to shapes of the videos move as well as other objects poking their heads outside their own tiny windows as more shapes are being controlled all in one motion.