Title: King of Cosmos
code: HMTL5
CLASS: FMX 310 Creative Coding
assignment: illustration
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
Hardware used: Windows 10
This was my second full character illustration to make in HTML, the goal of this one was to make the character interactive. So I decided to make the King of Cosmos from the Katamari Damacy series. It was tricky at first getting perspective on this done, namely the kinds ruffles around his neck. However I feel I did a great job at bringing him to life. Another challenge was getting the colors on his head piece together. I had to manage distance between each color in the code or else everything was going to be muddy looking together that you wouldn’t be able to distinguish colors apart from one another. Overall the was a lot of fun working on this.

code: HTML5
hardware: windows 10
specifications: 800x800px
FMX 210: Digital Media
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Term: Fall 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
This was my first attempt to make a full character illustration. Pajama Sam was my choice given how his costume allowed me to make rounded shapes with his cape and feet, meanwhile his shirt allows for a nice color gradient. I learned a lot from this that I carried over into the King of cosmos illustration above. Namely to make one consistent line for the whole body, rather than individual lines for shapes or details. As one of the challenges I hadn’t considered yet when making this piece was how much harder I had made things for myself by trying to eyeball how it should look after making everything else. Rather than make a continuous line that already contained everything so I’d then know where to go in my code to immediately fix the problem.

Class: FMX 210
professor: santiago echeverry
hardware: windows 10
specification: 800x600px
program: Adobe Illustrator
Term: 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
This was a first time I had used illustrator and needed to make a logo, I figured if I wanted to go into video games, I needed to start with a color palette I had consistently used through my work. This assignment was used mostly as a way to familiarize myself with the program and figure out how to make object and shapes. It was overall a good learning experience, and I now know down the line how to improve and make a logo that can be more recognizable if someone where to put it on a stamp.
program used: HTML5
assignment: video mandala
Hardware used: Windows 10
class: FMX 310 creative coding
professor: Santiago Echeverry
term: spring 2021
institution: university of Tampa
This one I wanted to make trippy yet still pleasing to the eye. I intensified my color palette from the vector mandala and used it to make crazy shapes that fill the screen for with noise that drags someone’s eye across the page. Upon the littlest mouse movement, its possible for to shapes of the videos move as well as other objects poking their heads outside their own tiny windows as more shapes are being controlled all in one motion.

class: FMX 311 online production
hardware: windows 10
professor: santiago echeverry
program: Asprite
specifications: 750 x 150px
semester: Spring 2022
Institution: University of Tampa
I wanted to make a wide landscape piece to take a portion of the screen. The story I came up with this was used for was a military issued robot thats long since outlived his purpose. Seeing whats left reflecting on why he’s still around despite the destruction he’s inflicted on the world he still stands in. Wondering his purpose. With my knowhow on sprite are I was able to take a sprite I had previously make of the robot in the center, flip it, then draw over details meant to make up the face. Putting all of it on a separate layers so I wouldn’t have to worry about damaging the robot while making the background. I’m a lot happier with this piece than I was with earlier works before coming to the university because I wasn’t able to make a good color transition for things like the sky. This time I was able to do it much more effectively by giving an illusion past the mountains of water in the distance approaching the horizons.