Title: Battle buddies
Media: Animation
Software: Asprite
Specifications: 180x180px (each sprite)
Hardware: Windows 10
Course: None
Instructor: None
Institution: None
Term: Spring 2021
For this one I took a couple of characters I had made for previous work in my spare time and decided I wanted to animate the both of them with 15 frames of animation. Out of the two character, the character on the right was made first. I gave him 5 colors to work with so I could spend more time focusing on how to make him move naturally and allow it to loop perfectly by the end. The character on the left meanwhile
I wanted to make far more elaborate with the amount of colors it used, so I decided to go for a damaged robot to allow not only the colors of his main body, but to help me get used to animating a ton of colors, use the hanging wired to create a cluster of sorts.

Software: Asprite
Hardware: Windows 10
Specifications: 800x800px
Course: FMX 310 Creative coding
Instructor: Santiago Echeverry
Institution: University of Tampa
Term: Spring 2021
I was trying to play with backgrounds for this one. beforehand I had done 16x16px tiles to form maps with my software. This time I took the approach of making a landscape piece. I love looking at oil paintings of places like weeping willow trees in grass fields and bodies of water so for a first attempt I thought making something in space would be cool. Something to the effect of a being on a moon floating through the cosmos with unfamiliar and strange nature around you. I absolutely intend to do more with this visual style in my work. For a first attempt, I’m proud of it.

Software: Asprite
Hardware: Windows 10
specifications: 800x800px
Course: FMX 310 Creative Coding
instructor: Santiago Echeverry
institution: University of Tampa
Term: Spring 2021
For this piece I needed to make backgrounds for an assignment that involved backgrounds changing as the screen was cleared of items. To make it designed a dozen or so 16x16px tiles then systematically when through, like Lego’s put this town together piece by piece until I filled the screen with a town I was satisfied with. To help me start, I found a Book with Sprite work from the NES Final Fantasy games, which taught me how to utilize colors and individual squares to give the illusion more is going on. While it was a time consuming endeavor, I think it was worth the time I put into it.

Software: Asprite
Hardware: Windows 10
specifications: 800x800px
Course: FMX 310 Creative Coding
Instructor: Santiago Echeverry
Institution: University of Tampa
Term: Spring 2021
Similarly to the background above this one. It was made for the same assignment where I made a dozen or so 16x16px tiles that I could then use like Lego’s and put them together piece by piece however I wanted. If I didn’t have a tile I realized I needed, just pull out another 16×16 box and put them together. I tried making this one distinct from the other by using much more sand and the gem clusters to give an illusion like this town could be close to a mountain side.

Title: Cave
Software: Asprite
Hardware: Windows 10
Course: FMX 310 Creative Coding
specifications: 800x800px
Instructor: Santiago Echeverry
Institution: University of Tampa
Term: Spring 2021
For this background, I had the idea of games from the arcades in the 80’s like Street fighter 2 where the backgrounds have two frames of animation. While I didn’t go through with animating the background due to the professors request, I was making this with a new idea of controlling the character below moving left and right across the bottom of the screen to catching falling items. Neither idea was fully developed for the sake of the coding required which came later, the sprites were incredible.

software: Asprite
specifcations: 180x180px
Hardware: Windows 10
Instructor: Santiago Echeverry
Institution: University of Tampa
course: 310 creative coding
term: Spring 2021
This was my first attempt at animating this character above who I had created for earlier work in my spare time. Originally he was going to be used in an assignment where he would be controlled by the mouse, and depending where on the screen the mouse went, what he’d do would vary. A number of his expressions and animations where made, however the assignment it was made for required I use one still frame to make it run properly. Fortunately the design I went with for the wood-wizards was easy enough to distinguish parts of the body that need to move.

software: Asprite
specifications: 180x180px
Hardware: Windows 10
course: none
Instructor: None
Institution: None
term: winter 2021
This one was meant to be a “first boss” type of character. I thought of the enemies in the Dragon Quest series to put inspiration from and thought of the idea of a mirror that was alive. The challenge on my part was I made a mistake at first by making everything on one layer, so in turn, animating it was a bit more difficult than the other pieces I’d done. I like it in terms of design, however I can see myself trying again and making it more animated in turn.

software: asprite
Hardware: Windows 10
specifications: 16x24px
Instructor: Santiago Echeverry
Institution: University of tampa
course: creative coding 310
term: spring 2021
This was an unused sprite from the OOP game I developed in my creative coding class. The idea was making eight directions for the character to change between as you moved about the screen. The sprite here was never made to be a proper size with the rest of whats visible here as the eight directions where never finished due to the ideas of the assignment changing.