all visual effects

semester: Fall 2020
Professor: Santiago echeverry
software: PhotoShop
specification: 773x1000px
Hardware: Windows 10
class: FMX 210 – Digital Media
Institution: University of Tampa
I wanted to make something with a striking color pallet that could have the user think for themselves on how they can interpret it. I personally made it with the thought of “good moods”. What you see here is the end result of these ideas. The coolest thing about making this one was being able to play around with the layering and in turn, said layers color palette. I played around with different settings in the software for a while looking at different effects I could pull off and when I finally landed on this, I knew I had found something great.

Semester: Fall 2020
Class: FMX 210 Digital Media
Instructor: Santiago Echeverry
Institution: University of Tampa
Program: Adobe PhotoShop
specification: 840×624.61px
Hardware: Motorola Phone, Windows 10
I was tasked with making a multiplicity photo of myself with a minimum of 5 “copies” of myself throughout the room. The challenge was coming up with a way to make them all fit into the shot with how little physical space I had in my dorm to fit onto the camera. Thankfully with the use of some careful planning I was able to work around this with the use of layering my other selves without compromising the picture. The second hurdle was coming up with distinctly different outfits. Not the hardest challenge in the world, but a welcome one to break up the pacing of my work flow at the time.

Semester: Fall 2020
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Software: PhotoShop
hardware: windows 10
specifications: 695x800px
class: FMX 210 – Digital Media
Institution: University of Tampa
I had the idea of making this after being told, whatever our posters were, they needed to have some sort of message to them. I felt when making this, too many think there’s something serious ahead of them. Something they need to fight. Instead, I opted to go for a more lighthearted approach and come up with a message to help people smile. For this I had decided I wanted to use at least three primary colors, and let the black of my outline fill in the gaps visually. The tricky thing was to get the text to fit within the boxes I put at the top, as colors or text would bleed out where they shouldn’t. Fortunately I was able to put it together and I’m proud of the results.

semester: Fall 2020
class: FMX 210 Digital media
Hardware: Windows 10
specifications: 800x600px
program used: Adobe Illustrator
Instructor: Santiago Echeverry
Institution: University of Tampa
For this one, I was tasked with constructing my face using different shapes, filled in with words I use to describe myself to others. At first the challenge seemed daunting cause I couldn’t think of what to fill the background with at first so I decided to make a poem about hope and self determination, allowing it to repeat when its done so it could fill as much space as I needed. In retrospect I feel I should’ve made certain colors a bit more consistent to where they were located. Fortunately its something I know how to fix down the line should I try doing another calligram in the future.