Assignment: patting recreation
Software: Unreal Engine 4
Hardware: Windows 10
specifications: 840x430px
semester: fall 2021
class: Virtual Production
Professor: Gregg Perkins
As the title suggests, this is a recreation of the painting The Red Tower. Made entirely in unreal engine 4. I created the floor, the arches, the little houses, the tower, shadows, and the pedestal the statue sits atop of. the tricky thing was to place the camera at just the right height and zoomed in just so none of the objects would appear as though they’re floating or disproportionate to other objects in the room. The hard part was finding a good horse model to use. The Assignment wasn’t necessarily to make every model 100% by yourself. However, with the exception of the horse statue, everything else was made by hand.

assignment: film scene recreation
Software: Unreal Engine 4
Class: Virtual Production
semester: fall 2021
Professor: Gregg Perkins
The garage set was an experiment of making a video of rotoscoping CGI characters on their respective actors. The room itself is loosely based on the interrogation scene from Detective Pikachu. Dim lighting was chosen in order to allow a feeling of tension between characters when the scene was taken to filming. The hard part on this one was to make everything symmetrical and keep consistent lighting in the spots on the set where we would take the camera to impose the shots. There was trouble for a while on how to keep things leveled. the end result was used to experiment around the software while placing footage over it.