Term: spring 2021
Class: Sound, Image, & motion
Professor: Warren cockerham
Insitution: university of tampa
My role: Director, Screenwriter, Producer, Talent, narrator, voice actor
programs/equipment used: adobe Premiere Pro, adobe Media Recorder, Canon EOS T7 camera, Zoom H6 recorder.
This was my final project for the course to make a short film to show what I had learned. Instantly I had the idea to make the a film about a girl in whose feels out of place and indifferent in an otherwise hyperactive and excitable world. Me and my friends had a lot of fun putting this together. Whenever they struggled to get something done I was able to communicate how they could still deliver their lines without ruining the shot if they suddenly blanked out during the set. I would tell them periodically “This is your line, you dont need to say it word for word. So long as you’re able to get the point across, its good.” Those words were able to help the other actors understand their role scene by scene as we went along with the project. While I didn’t directly edit the film in post production, I communicated to the editor what he needed to keep an eye our for when it came to gags such as the screaming in the hallway, or the narrator getting beaten up.