programs uses: Ableton 11 & Premiere Pro
Class: Sound in media
assignment: self score
duration: 3:53
Professor: Greg Perkins
hardware: Mac OS & Windows 10
Semester: Fall 2021
I was told to pick any scene from film that lacked music and make my own score for it. I decided to go with the interrogation scene from Pulp Fiction. I wanted to make something kept an awkward tension. Bad things are happening, you dont know when its going to pick up. but it does. You have to ask when it will end, but the response you’ll get terrifies you that you cant quite make it out.
Program: Ableton 11
duration: 3:04
class: Sound in Media
professor: Greg Perkins
hardware: Mac OS & Windows 10
semester: fall 2021
institution: university of Tampa
for this assignment I had the memory of being a kid and playing with the sound test options and have fun clicking noises together. Thus for this piece I imagined a retro video game menu of someone doing the same. I feel this was a significant step up from my previous class work. Making this piece has taught me Ableton 11 is absolutely my software of choice to get better with down the line. All sounds were assets pre-loaded with the software, I had a great time making this and feel I can do more going forward.
Somber Boogaloo
Program: Garage Band
class: Recording and electronic music 1
duration: 4:00
semester: spring 2021
professor: Bruce Pennycook
hardware: Mac OS
Institution: University of Tampa
This was my first attempt at making a full length musical piece. Trying to put things together, I decided it was best to make the song something slow and someone can easily extract its meaning. I used my knowledge from this assignment for my later sound projects that i elaborated with further. Overall, for a first attempt, I feel I did alright. Definitely would take away from this, if I’m going for a piece meant to be made as i learn a software, try to it a faster piece with a bit more energy to it.