TITLE: Multiplicity
YOUR ROLE: Creator
MEDIA: Digital Photography
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Brian Tortorelli
TERM: Fall 2018
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Multiplicity assignment from FMX 210. This assignment was one of my first from college and helped me gain new skills in Adobe Photoshop. This project helped expose me to the type of content I like creating, the illusionist, cheap movie magic gimics that leave people raising an eyebrow. The class taught me some good core softwares for design, but my freshman self was not expecting to make anything like these projects in school for film.
TITLE: Rotoscope
YOUR ROLE: Creator
MEDIA: Digital Video
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Brian Tortorelli
TERM: Fall 2018
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Rotoscoping assignment from FMX 210. Recorded and then traced, frame by frame in photoshop, this project taught my freshman self the pain of procrastinating and the first of many true college experiences of all nighters. Animating, or even drawing, is not a big strength for me, but this class helped me grow and learn in the basic fundamental elements of art.

TITLE: Calligram
YOUR ROLE: Creator
MEDIA: Digital Design
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Brian Tortorelli
TERM: Fall 2018
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Calligram assignment from FMX 210. The design is of course, styled after The Great Wave Off Kanagawa by Hokusai. The number and letter codes correlates to the matching digital code for the color and the outline of the great wave itself, is the title rewritten multiple times in Japanese scribe. This challenged me as I have never created a digital piece like it before.