TITLE: Class Suprise
YOUR ROLE: Director, Producer
MEDIA: Digital Video
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
HARDWARE: Canon 5D Mark IV
CLASS: COM 303 Studio Television
PROFESSOR: Brian Sullivan
TERM: Fall 2020
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://vimeo.com/534609481/af9b0ab6ba
DESCRIPTION: Project created for COM 303, a documentary on the reactions of classmates at an unusual class meeting. This piece was a teaching opportunity for myself as I was the only experienced crew member with productions. Instructing a camera operator, the interviewer, and managing the unsuspecting class was a lot to juggle, but gave me a lot of hands-on experience with managing a large cast and crew. This class was not on level for an FMX major, I was the most technically abled person in the class and would even often troubleshoot issues for the Professor.


Start at: 0:00-0:50
TITLE: Build in it’s Place
YOUR ROLE: Director, Producer, Director of Pgotography
MEDIA: Digital Video
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
HARDWARE: Canon 80D, DJI Mavic Pro.
CLASS: FMX 313 Documentary Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
TERM: Fall 2019
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://vimeo.com/387490832
DESCRIPTION: FMX 313’s final project, create a short documentary film. Build in it’s Place is a short doc on a local church in Tampa that was a landmark from the Civil Rights Era, currently facing the threat of gentrification throughout the downtown area. This piece was focused on alternatives to destroying and rebuilding; instead encouraging incorporating these landmarks into the new design to honor the significance they may hold. This class really helped me learn to investigate and edit/produce for documentary works. This class and project helped prepare me for an internship during the Spring ’21 semester, editing for a food documentarian based out of San Fransisco.


Start at: 1:51-2:35
TITLE: Key West Documentary
YOUR ROLE: Director, Producer, Director of Photography
MEDIA: Digital Video
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
CLASS: FMX 241 Sound, Image, and Motion
PROFESSOR: Robert Marinelli
TERM: Fall 2018
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://vimeo.com/298250827
DESCRIPTION: A short exploratory documentary about a group of college freshman’s spontaneous journey to Key West. This project taught me that there always needs to be a clear conflict, and that is the key to driving any story. This class, like I have said, was a good introductory to narrative and documentary filmmaking, but didn’t connect me to the department in my beginning semesters of college.
