Start at: 1:56-2:22
TITLE: Daily Skate
YOUR ROLE: Director, Producer, Cinematographer
MEDIA: 16mm, Black & White
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
CLASS: FMX 392 Independent Study
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
TERM: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Daily Skate is a POV of 16mm B&W film including natural transitions such as: whip pans, focus blurring, and camera lens cut ins. This project was to reintroduce myself to shooting celluloid, since the last time I had touched a Bolex was a year prior, interrupted due to COVID-19. Regaining confidence in management of celluloid during loading, the use of the light meter and high slide, and self-processing the footage as well. This independent study and project assigned and ran by Warren Cockerham helped me prepare for my role of Director of Photography – 16mm, on the set of “In Bloom.”
Start at: 1:06-end
TITLE: Please Don’t Let Me Down Music Video
YOUR ROLE: Director, Producer, Art Department
MEDIA: Digital Video
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
HARDWARE: Lumix GH5, DJI Mavic Pro
CLASS: FMX 331 The Creative Triangle
PROFESSOR: Kris Atkinson
TERM: Fall 2020
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: FMX 331’s final project, creating a music video. This project taught me a lot about the planning side of filmmaking, rather than the technical. For once, I was able to rely on another Director of Photography’s expertise in cameras and equipment as I could focus on the details of the plot. This class was hindered by the introduction of hybrid classes for the first semester return since COVID-19, but the class really showed me the key functions of the director, cinematographer, and art department.
Start at: 0:29-1:05
TITLE: Stuck Inside
YOUR ROLE: Creator
MEDIA: Found Video Footage
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects
CLASS: FMX 314 Experimental Filmmaking
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
TERM: Spring 2020
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: FMX 314’s final project, create a short experimental film. This film was created during the first few months of quarantine lockdown during the Spring of 2020. Drawing inspiration from Soda Jerk, an Australian production group, who’s experimental found footage work was shown in class. Using masking techniques, I created my own socially distanced party featuring some of my favorite characters to keep me company as the world began navigating lock-down. This class exposed me to new works and techniques that I never knew I had an interest in, an broadened my view of film to not exclude pieces that may not seem “normal.”