Title: CarnEvil
Media: Digital
Software: Dreamweaver, Sketch Book
Class: FMX 310
Professor: Santiago
Semester/Term: SPR 2019
Institution:University of Tampa
As always I’m inspired by all things scary and wanted to use pieces and parts from different ideas to make on cohesive vision. Images are inspired by Nightmare before Christmas and IT.
Title: Inside Me
Media: Digital,Photo
Software: Dreamweaver, Photoshop
Class: FMX 310
Professor: Santiago
Semester/Term: SPR 2019
Institution:University of Tampa
This project was supposed to be about showcasing things that represent you. I have a love for my animals and all things weird.
Title: Magical
Media: Digital
Software: Dreamweaver, Photoshop
Class: FMX 310
Professor: Santiago
Semester/Term: SPR 310
Institution:University of Tampa
I’m an avid visitor to Universal Studios and will take every opportunity to show it. Loved messing with the masks to make all the odd shapes.
Title: Dusk
Media: Digital
Software: Dreamweaver
Class: FMX 310
Professor: Santiago
Semester/Term: SPR 2019
Institution:University of Tampa
Took inspiration from a painting done by Alphonse Mucha. I’ve always loved his work and the process it took to recreate it in coding was inspiring and one of my favorite projects so far.
Media: Digital
Software: Dreamweaver, Sketchbook
Class: FMX 310
Professor: Santiago
Semester/Term: SPR 2019
Institution:University of Tampa
Project for Eternal Motion with an interactive element to it.