Title: Interview
Software: Pro CC
Class: COM 241
Semester/Term: Fall 2017
Institution:University of Tampa
We had to do an interview for a class project. I come from a very poor and not so good family. Immediately I knew what my topic was going to be. Its pretty emotional and I had to edit it to show the point I wanted to make. It’s about my cousin who had passed away just a couple of month before.

Title: Odd
Software: Pro CC
Class: COM 241
Semester/Term: FALL 2017
Institution:University of Tampa
We had to take an interview/scene someone had done and make it our own.
I was inspired by Margot Robbies version of the introduction scene from “American Psycho”.
Title: Night Terror
Software: Pro CC, Madmapper
Class: FMX 463
Professor: Isringhaus
Semester/Term: Spring 2019
Institution:University of Tampa
There was no defined guide for this project. We had free range. I wanted to share a little bit about myself and have the class experience just a portion of what sleep paralysis and night terrors feel like.
Title: Johnny
Media: Film,Drawing
Software: IMovie
Class: ART 211
Professor: Roundtree
Semester/Term: Spring 2018
Institution:University of Tampa
Had to make a animation with a flipbook, no context. Went with the comic Johnny the Homicidal Maniac for fun.