I was on a walk through a nature preserve in Lutz during a Florida winter when a small storm came out of nowhere. The colors changed and it just felt right. The silence and stillness I felt is captured so perfectly here.
Title: The Bay
I usually do not like going places with a lot of people since I suffer from agoraphobia and severe anxiety. Today was actually a very bad day for me but my best friend help me push through and we went to the Taco power plant during the winter to see the Manatees. There is a long board walk far away from people where you can just listen to nature. It was beautiful.
Title:Hill Billy Xmas
Since moving down to Florida from Rhode Island my family has stopped celebrating Xmas. It just never felt right, like the spirit of the holidays stayed in the place we call home. However, my mother always tries to do something but in the end it just ends up looking like a hillbilly wonderland.
Title: Ripple
Theres always time to site and just be. Sometimes it’s while watching the water ripple.

Title: Good Morning
Always up before the sun rises.