TITLE: Camera Time
YOUR ROLE: Animator
MEDIA: Rotoscope Animation
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
SPECIFICATIONS: 1280 x 720 px, H.264
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
TERM: FA 2020
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Camera Time is one of the first and only times I have ever worked with the animation of a moving image; that being said, it was one of the most complex projects I had to do involving digital media. Before taking my digital media class, I was completely unaware of the possibility of animating a moving picture through Adobe Photoshop. I was pleasantly surprised by how it was done. Out of my time in this class, I spent the longest time on this project. I was up for hours on end almost every night trying to trace the lines of my figure perfectly and color them in a way that gave my animation shape. I wanted to make sure that my animation popped out from the background scene of the lake and so I made all of the colors from my jacket, hair, skin, and camera extremely vibrant and impossible to miss. The hardest part about this project was the tediousness involved in ensuring that each frame-by-frame step was covered thoroughly and that no steps were skipped for fear of restarting the animation all over. I am proud of the outcome of this project, even though it was a concise and precise piece.