TITLE: Inaccurate Representation of Medicine in Film
MEDIA: Research Paper
CLASS: COM 445-1 The Image and The Reality
PROFESSOR: Christopher Novak
TERM: FA 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For this research paper, I was tasked with writing an essay on how the false representation of medicine in films could have a harmful impact on those who have suffered from medical anomalies in the past or may become medically ill in the future. I decided to focus mainly on how the medical field is depicted inaccurately in most film and television shows, and the practices used are seldom synchronized with real-life experiences. I stated how this misrepresentation could make the medical field almost comical at times, giving people unaware of how the medical field works and a false sense of how these treatments work. If someone who watches these films needs medical attention, they might underestimate the amount of treatment involved, causing a massive and unneeded headache. This paper was important to me because, as someone who has grown up with a family wholly engaged in the medical field, these tropes are pointed out to me frequently. I believe it is essential to educate people who may not be as well aware.
TITLE: Dangerous Tropes and Stereotypes in Films
MEDIA: Research Paper
CLASS: COM 445-1 The Image and The Reality
PROFESSOR: Christopher Novak
TERM: FA 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For this paper, I decided to talk about the dangerous tropes and stereotypes present in films and what I believe to be the worst three, in my opinion. The tropes that I focused on in this paper are the stereotypes about gender involving transgender representation, disabilities that form from sudden accidents, and sexuality explicitly revolving around the myths of promiscuous gay men. I chose these three topics because I believe they were personal to me and that the effect of these stereotypes is detrimental to the communities I am a part of. It is important to note how these groups are misrepresented constantly in the media, especially in film and television, and can give people a false representation of these individuals causing harmful discrimination to form around them. At the end of the essay, I proposed a way to stop these tropes from perpetuating by creating more accurate representation by involving members of those communities in the creation process.
TITLE: Menippean Satire and The Body Genre
MEDIA: Research Paper
CLASS: COM 361-1 Film Genres
PROFESSOR: Patrick Ellis
TERM: FA 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In this paper, I was tasked with comparing two unseemly different genres and describing how they are connected in the grand scheme of a genre. The two genres I chose were the Mennipean Satire and the Body genre. These two genres are unique as they are not typically represented in many genre analysis studies, even though they seem to be a subgenre in many films and television shows that people watch. I stated how the genres often mesh in films like Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) and even complement each other in many aspects. I argued that the Body genre can even be considered a subgenre of the Menippean Satire and that the Menippean Satire is a popular genre, especially in A24 films that have risen in recent years.