TITLE: “Life of an Alien” Cover
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
HARDWARE: iMac Os X/MacBook Pro
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
SPECIFICATIONS: 3600 × 5400px
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Illustration
PROFESSOR: Allen Hampton
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: The “Life of an Alien” Cover is a book cover project of my creation. It obviously looks like the story takes place in a different planet. The purple alien looks bony because I wanted it to look like the aliens in this story don’t have many resources in this divergent planet. The background I chose was a desert because, there are no green regions on this planet, so I guess I’m left with making it look like a desert. The Alien is looking at these bolder stones, and that alien is obviously interested in what it is since the majority of the planet is just a desert, and these bolder stones are probably their version of civilization. The title “Life of an Alien” another major aspect of this project, it tells the story of how different an alien’s lifestyle, especially this one in particular can differentiate from a human, like what they do to survive daily, and what if any goals they have.

TITLE: Album
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
HARDWARE: iMac Os X/MacBook Pro
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
SPECIFICATIONS: 3600 × 3600px, RGB, 72PI
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Illustration
PROFESSOR: Allen Hampton
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: The “Album” is a creation of my version of the band “Imagine Dragons.” The purple dragon in the middle represents this band because dragons is part of their name of their band. I chose the dragon to be purple because it fits well with the colors of the background. In the background, I chose to have city buildings because before I started designing my album, I went on a website to get ideas for designing an album and the ones with city buildings inspired me. The pink lines leading up to the city are glowing to make it look electric, and I chose those lines to be pink because it makes the city and the pink and purple sky stick out.

TITLE: Bust Grid
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
HARDWARE: iMac Os X/MacBook Pro
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
SPECIFICATIONS: 500 x 500px, RGB, 72PI
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Illustration
PROFESSOR: Allen Hampton
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: The Bust Grid is an interactive selfie of me winking one of my eyes and one of the strings of my jacket looking like the wind is moving it. I tried copying that illustration of me from a selfie I took in 1/26/19. I’ve taken lots of selfies before, but I chose that one because I felt like it defined me in way, and I also like wearing grey clothing. I chose to make one of the strings of my jacket look like it’s being blown by the wind because I kind of like that.