TITLE: Architectural Sculpture


CLASS: ART 105 3D Foundation Design

PROFESSOR: Michael Ingold


INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

DESCRIPTION: This project happens to be my favorite project I did in this class because I found it fun to construct a little building with an architectural design I was inspired by. I was inspired by the modern architectural design because I like the way how cool buildings in that category look and distinctive, they are from other architectural designs. I love aqua marine or cyan which is why my sculpture is one of those colors. I’m very happy with how realistic and clean it looks.

TITLE: Element Models

MEDIA: Balsa Wood

CLASS: ART 105 3D Foundation Design

PROFESSOR: Michael Ingold


INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

DESCRIPTION: These five studies are my element models. We had a choice to use geometric shapes or organic shapes. I chose to work with organic shapes because I like how beautiful they can be comparing to just simple geometric shapes. My favorite one is the middle or third one because I really like how one of the gripping leaves holding the study is positioned. This was a very hard assignment and each of them took me so many hours, but I’m very happy with the results.