TITLE: Final Online Production Portfolio
MEDIA: Coding
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
HARDWARE: Windows 10 64-bit
CLASS: FMX 311 Online Production
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://fmx311.santiago.bz/FMX311/SP20/nordhagen/08_FINAL/
DESCRIPTION: This final website project serves as a hub for all of the projects I created during my time in Online Production, as well as a bonus page on my character design and worldbuilding work. However, in order to house all of these pages, I needed a central design for the website. The visual design of this website is unashamedly based on the types of aesthetics that I enjoy, since it is a website centered around myself; the cotton candy palette for the background and the space-themed design for the navigation menu are just a few examples of this. I also really enjoyed putting together the scrolling bar on the home page; it looks nice and serves as a compact representation of my progress in learning HTML5 on Adobe Dreamweaver.

TITLE: Fan Page
MEDIA: Coding
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
HARDWARE: Windows 10 64-bit
CLASS: FMX 311 Online Production
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://fmx311.santiago.bz/FMX311/SP20/nordhagen/03_imgtxtpoem/text_image_poem_01.html
DESCRIPTION: A website project focused on incorporating parallax design. We were asked to create a page on an important person of our choice, so I focused on Shinya Kumazaki, current director of the Kirby franchise and someone I hold a lot of respect for. Since the research portion of the project would not be that difficult, I decided to focus most of my efforts on nailing the visual design of the website so it would reflect the franchise that Kumazaki works on.

TITLE: Family Tree
MEDIA: Coding
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
HARDWARE: Windows 10 64-bit
CLASS: FMX 311 Online Production
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: https://fmx311.santiago.bz/FMX311/SP20/nordhagen/07_familytree/familytree_01.html
DESCRIPTION: This website project was meant to practice loading different sections of a page upon button clicks, as well as incorporating video and sound. Because the focus of this project was a family tree (though I also included some close friends who felt like family to me as well), I used nature-like colors such as bright greens and pale yellows to inspire the visual design. I also had a lot of fun designing the small icons of each individual on the family tree to signify who was who.