Rubrics for Evaluation

Depending on the projects themselves, due to their diversity, we will use the following rubrics for their evaluation and/or a combination of all rubrics if interdisciplinary portfolios are presented.

A minimum of 3 evaluators from the FMX Department will grade and accept the presented portfolios.


The portfolio grade on Canvas (50% of the final grade) will be determined by the average grades provided by the faculty evaluators.

In order to pass the class and be cleared for Senior Project and graduation, the portfolio needs to be approved and passed by all evaluators.

Points for each rubric:

Outstanding (5)

Good (4)
Acceptable (3)
Poor (2)
Bad (1)
Not Applicable (0)


PASS 3 -> 5 Point Average
FAIL 0 <- 2.99 Point Average


The work submitted displays:
A • an understanding of the relations between an object’s size, motion, orientation and position in space
B • an understanding of building and staging a set that’s flexible with the camera for proper cinematography
C • an understanding of multi-dimensional spatial relations between objects and characters in the animation’s environments
D • the correct usage of lighting and compositing

A • a proficiency in illustration and character development
B • a command of storytelling and character creation/interaction through appropriate scriptwriting and storytelling?
C • an understanding of utilizing narrative and aesthetic choices to help communicate a core theme or intent

A • a proficiency in modeling and texturing 3D models, 2D puppets or macquettes
B • a proficiency in rigging 3D models, 2D puppets or macquettes as needed for animation.
C • the ability to properly hide or digitally edit out rigs, artifacts or blemishes so they’re not visible in the final product.
D • the ability to utilize elements of design to create stylistic harmony in your projects

A • an understanding of time-based media in relation to editing, rendering and animation

A • the ability to produce industry standard animations, models and/or maquettes
B • an understanding of the importance of graphics and animation in our culture today
C • The student’s work adheres to professional and industry standards
D • the ability to produce a demo reel / portfolio with their own work.
E • the creation of an online portfolio and/or personal website that adheres to professional and industry standards (Updated FMX 298 Professional Portfolio)?
F • The student’s bio, resume, visual resume, video resume, and statement show a critical approach to the weaknesses and strengths of the student?
G • a command of the “12 Principles of Animation”?


1) The work submitted displays a correct usage of tools appropriately used for their projects in their context?

2) The work submitted displays an understanding of multimedia tools optimized for whichever platform they are developing for?

3) The work submitted displays a proficiency in time based media (video and audio manipulation and editing)?

4) The work submitted displays an entry level knowledge of scripting/programming languages and interactive computing tools?

5) The work submitted displays an understanding of Digital Media in 2D and/or 3D ( Canvas, Photoshop, Illustrator / Maya, Cinema 4D, Unreal etc. )?

6) The student’s portfolio displays a proficiency in Interactive Media tools and development?

7) The work submitted displays a proficiency in audio production tools (recording, mixing, producing, etc.)?

8) The work submitted displays a general understanding of the history and evolution of New Media, Animation and Digital tools?

9) The work submitted displays the ability to produce industry standard works?

10) The work submitted displays an understanding of the importance of Emerging Media in our culture today?

11) The work submitted displays the ability to produce a demo reel / portfolio with their own work?

12) The student’s bio, resume, visual resume, video resume, and statement show a critical approach to the weaknesses and strengths of the student?


1) Storytelling

A • Narrative Films, develop story, Mise en scene tells story, style matches concept, story is clearly told appropriate to its form.

B • Experimental films develop cohesive visual concepts.

2) Art and Design of Cinematography

Director of Photography: Cinematic Artistry Choice of Camera Angles, Lighting Overall Concept creativity

3) Art of Directing Performances

Actors are in the moment, not forced. Action of imagery for Experimental and Documentary is consistent with objective of the project

4) Art and Design of Editing

Proper Coverage, Pacing, Cleanliness of cutting right place at the right time, creative expressive approaches

VFX and post-production are performed efficiently and professionally

5) Sound Design

A • Clean dialogue

B • Sound FX appropriate music

C • Technically proper, with no major flaws in audio levels

D • Sound mix demonstrates student’s ability to use sound as a creative and expressive design aspect of film

6) Time Design

The work demonstrates aesthetic, and design principles in elements of film/video, including the use of time as an expressive design consideration.

7) Overall Quality of the Works

A • Works as a whole, demonstrates artistic approach within design of the film.

B • Demonstrates competence in student’s technical abilities of a professional entry level.

C • The student’s bio, resume, visual resume, video resume, and statement show a critical approach to the weaknesses and strengths of the student?