Light Series
TITLE: Light Series – Home
MEDIA: Photography
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
SPECIFICATIONS: 5184px × 3456px
CLASS: COM 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Leslie Reed
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
The Light Series was created as a part of my final concept project, Home, for Digital Imaging. I went home over the Thanksgiving break and sought to capture the essence of the peace and tranquility of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I wanted how I felt about the city to be shown through my images. These images were taken as the sun rose in the morning, giving me bold shadows and various lighting options to experiment with. I ended up using these photos for my final project critique because I enjoyed the empty streets of Golden Valley and the type of community that is resembled within the images. I am glad to have had the opportunity to photograph something that is so dear to my heart.
Dark Series
TITLE: Dark Series – Home
MEDIA: Photography
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
SPECIFICATIONS: 5184px × 3456px
CLASS: COM 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Leslie Reed
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
The Dark Series was created as a part of my final concept project, Home, for Digital Imaging. I went home over the Thanksgiving break and sought to capture the essence of the peace and tranquility of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I wanted how I felt about the city to be shown through my images. Since it was November, I was taking images in -10-degree weather with a 2-second shutter speed. Often times it was extremely difficult to obtain clear images due to the freezing temperatures and slow shutter speed that I had to use due to the time of day. However, I loved this project because it not only pushed me to do something outside of my comfort zone, I got to take images of my home and have a personal connection to my work.
Sense of Place
TITLE: Sense of Place
MEDIA: Photography
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
SPECIFICATIONS: 5184px × 3456px
CLASS: COM 381 Digital Imaging
PROFESSOR: Leslie Reed
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
Choosing my “place” for my Sense of Place assignment was very easy for me. Since I live and breathe in the David Falk Theatre, I decided to take images in a way that contrasted my feelings toward it. Rather than attempting to reconstruct the way I view the theatre, I took images that were very off-putting and filled with discomfort, due to the older features of the building and the premonitions behind the ghost, Bessie Snavely. Since I was so connected to the place I was photographing, it was easier for me to take more powerful images for this class.